This annual report covers the fourth year of the CRCWSC.

2015/16 has been a year of transition and planning for the Cooperative Research Centre for Water Sensitive Cities (CRCWSC). As we approach the end of our Tranche 1 program (2012–2016), we find ourselves at an important strategic juncture. After investing and delivering our first four years of research, we now embark on the potentially more challenging task of achieving impact from this research. But we are more than equipped to meet this challenge. Our efforts to create connections over the last four years mean that we will be building on a solid foundation – our strong network of partners, our reach across Australia’s major cities, and our cross-disciplinary links within industry and within research.

Our plans for research adoption and tangible impact are aligned with the Commonwealth Government’s vision for smart Australian cities: transitioning them from the old manufacturing-based economies to new innovation and service-based economies.