In October and November, industry consultation workshops will be held around Australia to better understand the transition needs and opportunities of these cities and regions.

As the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities (CRCWSC) enters its second half of operation, also referred to as Tranche 2, it has commenced working with its industry participants and stakeholders to identify the barriers and knowledge needs of Australian cities and regions to support their transition to being more water sensitive.

The proposed model for delivering Tranche 2 projects is based largely around geography. This model recognises the different socio-political and geographical contexts that exist around Australia and also the impact this context has on possible transition pathways.

Over the next 6 – 12 months the CRCWSC will be hosting a number of important activities and workshops that will culminate in the development of a proposed ‘Transition Strategy’ initially for each capital city in Australia. The purpose of the Transition Strategy is to document how cities, and regions with similar contexts, are currently placed to become ‘water-sensitive’ and to identify the key strategies that need to be implemented to achieve transition aspirations or desired outcome.

An important element of the Transition Plan will be a prioritised list of projects that the CRCWSC will be investing in over the next 4-5 years. The Transition Strategy will also identify other projects and activities that participants and stakeholders may be directly funding or seeking additional funding to implement.


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