A new edition of Water and Energy: Threats and Opportunities by CRC for Water Sensitive Cities research advisory subcommittee member Prof Gustaf Olsson explores advances in fossil fuel mining and recent controversial oil spills.

Prof Olsson, an international member of the Future Technologies (Program C) Research Advisory Subcommittee, has included new chapters in the second edition on global warming and fossil fuels, including shale gas and fracking, the consequences of the Deepwater Horizon accident in the Gulf of Mexico and the Niger Delta oil spills.

Water and Energy: Threats and Opportunities highlights the inextricable link between water and energy, providing an up-to-date overview of the subject with helpful detailed summaries of the technical literature.

Prof Olsson will be in Brisbane in June for a CRC for Water Sensitive Cities mathematical modelling workshop and is also confirmed as the chair of closing ceremony proceedings at Watermatex, being held on the Gold Coast from 14-17 June. More details on the modelling workshop will be available soon.

To order Water and Energy: Threats and Opportunities, visit https://iwapublishing.com/books/9781780406930/water-and-energy-threats-and-opportunities-second-edition

Last updated: 18th May 2015