Resources to support a water sensitive cities transition
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INFFEWS Value tool: Guideline (Version 4)
The purpose of this document is to provide a readily accessible guideline on how to adjust existing non-market values for application in a new context. It also provides step-by-step rules on how to use the CRCWSC Value tool. This guideline…

Need help transitioning to a water sensitive city?
Do you need help transitioning…

Vision and Transition Strategy for a Water Sensitive Gold Coast
The City of Gold Coast…
Water Sensitive Cities Case Studies
The CRCWSC has developed case studies to help build a body of evidence that can support and encourage the adoption of research outcomes.
These detailed case studies capture and communicate the lessons learned from the early adoption of research knowledge in real-life projects. These have been developed in collaboration with project stakeholders to identify the key drivers and innovations which led to the discovery of water sensitive cities outcomes, and to highlight the challenges faced during the process.
Effecting change in the real world
We bring together global thought leaders to drive cross-disciplinary research into urban planning and water management in Australia and overseas. Collaborating with our university, industry, and government partners, we help cities respond to today's pressing water problems for the benefit of current and future generations. Our impact is diverse: end-users are empowered with new research, effective tools, and an opportunity to join the global transition to water sensitive cities.
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