CRCWSC ThinkTank

A catalyst for ideas and action

What is the ThinkTank?

The CRCWSC ThinkTank has a strategic focus—to challenge current thinking about how to create cities that are liveable, resilient, productive and sustainable. This expert group will provide information, ideas and advice on how to address the 21st Century challenges facing water providers and policy makers, drawing on research and on-ground experience of the CRCWSC and its partners.

The ThinkTank will publish two thought pieces a year, which challenge current approaches to managing water and help to create liveable and productive urban areas. We will use these papers to broker ideas, stimulate policy debate, influence practice and offer creative yet practical solutions that can help accelerate the transition to being water sensitive.

What are we thinking about?

Harnessing hybrid systems for transformative cities sets out the agenda for transformative cities, and provides a framework and direction for collective research and action.

Strengthening the delivery of WASH in urban informal settlements  calls for an holistic approach to providing water and sanitation services in urban informal settlements.

Water utilities of the future illustrates the many things utilities can do TODAY, to become ‘water utilities of the future’. The examples are Australian, but the lessons can be applied globally.

Harnessing hybrid systems for transformative cities

Strengthening the delivery of WASH in urban informal settlements

Water Utilities of the Future

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Project stats


Australia and Internationally


2017 – Present

World Water Week 2017 – 27 August–1 September 2017

Want to know more about the CRCWSC and our research?

You can search our extensive resource library, for more information about water sensitive principles and practice.


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