
The CRCWSC has invested in research to better understand how to develop the skills and knowledge required across urban water and related professionals, to enable and catalyse the implementation of WSC approaches. The CRCWSC has also invested in developing and running a range of professional learning products from Masters courses through to training courses of different kinds. Mostly these investments were done through the vehicle of Project D4.1 Strengthening educational programs to foster future water sensitive cities leaders, which ran during the first tranche of the CRCWSC’s funding.

This report is an edited synthesis of some of the deliverable reports produced by Project D4.1. It provides a way to easily access project outputs, and in particular the outputs of the project that answer the following questions:

  1. What do we know generally about how and what adults learn?
  2. What are the most important skills and knowledge for urban water professionals to have for the purpose of delivering WSC projects and programs, and their intended outcomes and impacts?
  3. How do urban water professionals want to access learning?
  4. How can those WSC skill and knowledge needs and professional learning preferences be effectively fulfilled through different kinds of learning processes?



McIntosh, B.S. (ed.). (2018). Catalysing WSCs through professional learning: design and delivery recommendations. Melbourne, Australia: Cooperative Research Centre for Water Sensitive Cities.