Integrated Water Management in practice (online)
Clearwater is excited to partner with the International WaterCentre (IWC) to deliver introduction to integrated water management (IWM) training in Victoria to support the implementation of Water for Victoria.
IWM offers a sytems based process to approach the volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) situations and challenges we face in managing our cities and broader, surrounding catchments and landscapes.
Six hours of online training will be run over three sessions led by Dr. Brian S. McIntosh from the International WaterCentre. The training will focus on the key principles of IWM by applying these principles to a series of real life Victorian case studies that have been delivered on ground. The case studies will be presented by the water practitioners coordinating these projects in Victoria thus faciliating peer to peer learning and building local knowledge networks.
The session series will focus on translating principles into practice highlighting what works and why alongside what doesn’t and why. The sessions will also explore how leadership can play a key role in enabling IWM solutions to come to life.
The training will be run in three online sessions:
1st Session: Tues 28th April, 3-5pm
2nd Session: Tues 12th May, 3-5pm
3rd Session: Tue 26th May, 3-5pm
There will be an assignment between each session to ensure you get the most out of the live sessions. Each session will build on each other. It is best for you to attend all three sessions.