We’ll be introducing the next module of our popular WSC Scenario Tool developed by our TAP team during a webinar on Thursday 3 September.

Join us online as we explore the new beta version of the ‘Urban water cycle’ (UWC) module and discuss the enhanced potential of the WSC Scenario Tool.

The WSC Scenario Tool is a planning tool developed to help practitioners assess the multiple benefits of green infrastructure solutions. The new UWC module helps users assess the stocks and flows of urban water streams (potable water, rainwater, stormwater, greywater and blackwater) for a given area based on user defined integrated water management strategies.

This new module joins the other three rigorously tested analytical modules integrated within a powerful online geospatial modelling environment:

  • Urban development module – Users can define urban development scenarios for a given site
  • Simple ‘Extreme heat day’ land surface temperature module – Users can assess the spatial distribution of ‘extreme heat day’ land surface temperature for a given site
  • Air-temperature response to green/blue infrastructure evaluation tool (TARGET) – a new microclimate model that can produce a time series of land surface and air temperatures and human thermal comfort indicators for a given site.

To learn more, please visit our TAP website

If you have a specific question: Make an enquiry about the WSC Scenario Tool

Register for the webinar

Our Commercial Manager, Malcolm Eadie, will open the webinar with a look at the enhancements to the WSC Scenario Tool brought by the UWC module and new infographics, and will invite Participants to start trialing the tool in their own case studies.

Water Technology’s Luke McPhail will give an industry perspective on the functionality and features of the UWC module, and Monash University’s Christian Urich will explore the potential of WSC Scenario Tool via a case study application.

We look forward to seeing you there.

We will also be running a hands-on training session in the new UWC module online on Wednesday 9 September. To attend, please email tamara.harold@uwa.edu.au.

Last updated: 1st Sep 2020