Governance and policy


New governance models and policies that encourage water sensitive approaches are essential for achieving the necessary changes in culture, technical approaches and principles of urban design. In particular, governance and policy effect and support change by setting standards and regulatory requirements and influencing local, city and regional scale change.

CRCWSC research establishes the context, opportunities and constraints of governance and policy realms to support water sensitive outcomes.

Research findings and reports

Our research on governance and policy has identified some interesting findings:

You will find a range of research reports on governance and policy under the categories below.



Research application

Our research on governance and policy has been applied to a range of projects:

Tools and guidelines

These tools and guidelines are informed by our governance and policy research:

  • A series of guiding steps for policy makers and strategists to benchmark progress, reveal a city’s strengths and vulnerabilities and provide guidance on strategic actions to enable progress toward water sensitive management.


Infographic 1

Policy framework for WSUD (Choi L et al., 2015. Policy framework for WSUD in five Australian cities. Melbourne, Australia: CRC for Water Sensitive Cities, p. 5.)

Infographic 2

The policy cycle  (Laing M, 2015. Scientists and policy influence: a literature review. Melbourne, Australia: CRC for Water Sensitive Cities, p. 13.)

Infographic 3

The socio-technical transition  (Laing M, 2015. Scientists and policy influence: a literature review. Melbourne, Australia: CRC for Water Sensitive Cities, p. 38.)

Infographic 4

Governance change attributes wheel  (Bettini Y and Head BW, 2015. Governance structures and strategies to support innovation and adaptability. Melbourne, Australia: CRC for Water Sensitive Cities, p. 11.)