Replacing lawn grass with drought tolerant plants and using a low-flow showerhead have been identified as two key high-impact target behaviours in a new CRC for Water Sensitive Cities (CRCWSC) publication.

The report, Behavioural Roadmap – Prioritising water saving behaviours in households using measurements of impact and likelihood, was the product of research from  Accelerating transitions to Water Sensitive Cities by influencing behaviour (Project A2.2).

Authors Dr Angela Dean from The University of Queensland and Dr Paula Wright, Sarah Kneebone and Associate Professor Liam Smith from Monash University, identified water-saving behaviours from three CRCWSC industry partner workshops in Brisbane, Perth and Melbourne.

Data taken from the workshops helped to identify 31 water-saving behaviours and researchers quantified the impact, likelihood and opportunity those behaviours will be adopted by Australian households.

The authors aimed to find high-impact behaviours that could be targeted by water authorities in their public water demand-reduction campaigns.

Download the report


Further reading

Reducing household water use – which behaviours should be prioritised? - (Project A2.2)

How influencing behaviours can accelerate the transition to a water sensitive city  (Project A2.2)

Last updated: 2nd May 2016