Aquarevo – The Future of Water Efficient Communities

Are you interested in learning more about the research, development, and planning that underpins one of Australia’s leading examples of water and energy innovation?
Located south east of Melbourne, Aquarevo is an innovative residential development created collaboratively by South East Water and Villawood Properties.
The development will incorporate water and energy initiatives, both within homes and across the site, that are set to have a big impact – such as homes that need 70% less drinking water than the average house.
Fitted with solar panels, each property will store and use rainwater captured on-site and treated to a standard suitable for supplying hot water for the shower, bath, and laundry. South East Water’s OneBox® technology will monitor energy consumption and manage water use within homes. And Class A recycled water will be produced on-site and used in toilets and gardens.
To hear more, join the team from capacity-building network, Clearwater, to visit the Aquarevo Discovery Centre. Presenters will also provide a range of perspectives covering technology, planning, leadership and collaboration at the heart of enabling water efficient communities at Aquarevo.
Who is invited? Ideal for anyone involved in planning, designing or maintaining integrated water management projects.
Where and when? Wednesday, 20th September 2017, 2:00pm - 4:00pm
Aquarevo Discovery Centre, Boland Dr, Lyndhurst, Victoria, 3975
Places are limited, so RSVP here by 14 September 2017.