The Cooperative Research Centre for Water Sensitive Cities (CRCWSC) has been working with its partners from government and private industry to develop novel scenario assessment and decision support tools that help to address the complexity of managing water in a world faced with increasing population growth and changing land uses patterns, increasing climate variability, and a tightening economic environment.

This workshop has been designed to share and discuss, identify and prioritise adaptation strategies for wetland management. This is the second (final) stakeholder workshop for Project B4.2. By working with stakeholders, this workshop aims to present an implementation framework for adaptation strategies that considers institutional scales, responsibilities, and legal requirements. The workshop program is structured as follows:

  1. Summary of key finding from the first workshop
  2. Surface-groundwater model outcomes with groundwater abstraction variation
  3. A framework to implement adaptation measures.
  4. Discuss strategic wetland management across scales and levels of governance.

For further information about this workshop, please see the detailed agenda attached. Should you have any questions about participation in this project, please call Amar Nanda at 0402380056 or send an email to

A framework for urban wetland management in the water sensitive city
Thursday, 13 July 2017
9:00am - 11:00am
Department of Parks and Wildlife Cnr 2 Australia II Drive and Hackett Drive, Crawley WA 6009

Last updated: 3rd Jul 2017