Chris Tanner to present on ShapingSEQ
What Landscape Irrigation Conference and Exhibition 2019
When 18–20 June 2019
Where Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre, Queensland
Chris Tanner will be on stage on Tuesday 18 June 2019 from 4.00–4.30 pm.
Register now to see our Queensland Regional Manager, Chris Tanner, present on ShapingSEQ—an integrated approach of planning and management on the Gold Coast in June. He’ll explore the drivers for action, the ‘water sensitive region’ actions the CRCWSC is leading, and some preliminary case studies of how the implementation actions at some of the State Priority Development Areas achieve liveability.

In guiding the future of the region, the South East Queensland Regional Plan 2017, known as ShapingSEQ, sets out implementation actions necessary to deliver the principles and strategies in the plan.
The CRCWSC is the responsible agency for the ‘water sensitive region’ implementation action under ShapingSEQ. The purpose of this action is ‘to enable an integrated approach to the whole of catchment planning and management that is capable of linking the ecology and hydrology of cities to their region whilst accommodating urban and peri-urban growth adapted to a changing climate’.
Growth in SEQ is considerable and is expected to continue. The community seeks liveable places—reliable water supplies, effective sanitation, protection from flooding, healthy ecosystems, cool green landscapes, efficient use of resources, and beautiful urban and natural spaces—but while there is typically broad agreement about high-level aspirations, decision makers face the challenge of determining how to most effectively drive the transformations needed to continue delivering that in the context of growth, climate change and complex governance arrangements.
Chris will present that the CRCWSC believes, based on current monitoring and emerging science, that a ‘business as usual’ approach will not be enough to mitigate the impacts of population growth and climate change and is not achieving the liveable places we aspire to.
About Chris

Chris Tanner is a civil engineer and planner. As Queensland Regional Manager at the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities and Adjunct Associate Professor at Advanced Water Management Centre, he advises industry and government on adaptive change for integrated water management. He was a founding director of Bligh Tanner consulting engineers where several environmental engineering projects defined a company reputation for high quality design focused solutions with multi-dimensional benefits.