Commonwealth Government releases Miles Review
Following the release of the CRC Programme review on 19 May, undertaken by Mr David Miles AM, the Australian Government has announced its intention to continue its commitment to support CRC’s in addition to new Innovation Growth Centres.
The review committee, in a publication titled Growth through Innovation and Collaboration, recommended to the Australian Government that the CRC Programme should continue, with 18 recommendations made for changes to the structure and content of the programme.
CRCWSC for Water Sensitive Cities CEO Professor Tony Wong, in his regular blog post this week, expresses his concern that public sector businesses – including government agencies and state-owned enterprises such as water utilities – aren’t given the same recognition as influencers of economic development as private sector in the Miles Review.
The CRC Association – the peak body representing CRC’s – has stated publicly that it is generally pleased with the review and recommendations but has concerns around the possible exclusion of “public good” CRC’s and the limitation of a CRC’s life to 10 years.
More than 250 submissions were received by the review committee and the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities wishes to once again sincerely thank our participant organisations who made submissions in support of our research collaboration.
Read Professor Wong’s blog here.
Read more about the CRC Programme Review and the CRC Association response.