CRC Researchers to speak at March EnviroDevelopment Professional event

The urban development industry is a critical partner for the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities (CRCWSC) as it strives to achieve its vision of sustainable, resilient and liveable water sensitive cities. Over the next 15 years, CRC research will guide more than $550 billion in capital investment directed at urban development.
Each year, the Urban Development Institute of Australia (UDIA) hosts the annual UDIA National Congress. This year, the event provides a valuable opportunity for the CRCWSC to engage with Australia’s leading developers to share experiences and develop future solutions.
To complement the 2014 UDIA National Congress in March, EnviroDevelopment Professional, in conjunction with E2DESIGNLAB, will be hosting ‘Delivering Urban Communities of the Future’. CRC researchers Dr Peter Breen (Program B: Water Sensitive Urbanism) and Jon Shinkfield (Program D: Adoption Pathways) will both be presenting at this event, along with Dr Matthew Burke from Griffith University.
The speakers will explore the transformation needed in the way we plan and develop existing and future urban communities, in order to deliver resilient spaces that continue to provide viable opportunities for employment, accessibility to housing, and spaces that offer opportunities to optimise health and wellbeing.
Date: Thursday 27 March 2014
Time: Arrive at 6:45am for a 7:00am start. Event runs from 7:00–8:30am (light breakfast included)
Location: H Block Auditorium, Southbank Institute of Technology – Access off Ernest Street, SOUTH BRISBANE QLD 4101
Registrations close at 4:00pm on 26 March 2014. Click this link to register: