CRCWSC acknowledges the contribution of NSW Cities as Water Supply Catchments partners
The CRC for Water Sensitive Cities (CRCWSC) acknowledges the important contribution and strategic commitment of organisations that partnered with the Cities as Water Supply Catchments Program – the foundation of the CRCWSC. The CRCWSC took the opportunity to thank New South Wales (NSW) partners of the Cities program that have demonstrated their commitment to a water sensitive future at a breakfast event last Friday, following the CRCWSC Industry Partners Workshop in Sydney.
The Cities as Water Supply Catchments Program is a series of eight interlinked research projects, created with the vision of harnessing the potential of stormwater to overcome water shortages, reduce urban temperatures, and improve waterway health and the landscape of Australian cities. These projects, which became part of the CRCWSC’s first tranche of research projects, are due to finish in December 2014. Outcomes of the Cities program thus far have had an impact for many of our partners, in addition to providing a strong basis for the establishment of the CRCWSC.

Attendees of the breakfast event shared how, through the establishment of strong relationships, the CRCWSC has been able to align research outcomes to corporate strategies and add value to our partners’ business. Brian Barrett (General Manager, Marrickville Council), discussed how partnering with the Cities program, and then the CRCWSC, has made an impact on the Marrickville community and given him the tools to move towards the vision of a water sensitive future. Mike Keegan (General Manager, Greater Sydney Local Land Services) outlined the current and future challenges faced by NSW and Kerry Stubbs (Board Member, CRCWSC) shared how the strong partnerships that we have formed we will enable us to meet these challenges head on.
The CRCWSC acknowledged the contribution of the following NSW organisations at this event:
- Blacktown City Council
- City of Sydney
- Fairfield City Council
- Hornsby Shire Council
- Ku-ring-gai Council
- Marrickville Council
- Parramatta City Council
- Warringah Council
- Department of Planning and Infrastructure (NSW)
- Greater Sydney Local Land Services
- Central Tablelands Local Land Services