For water professionals and those in fields impacted by water – government, industry, and urban design and planning specialists – the International Water Association World Water Congress & Exhibition, held next week in Brisbane, is the event of the year. Showcasing the very latest research, innovation, and solutions, the six-day convention is the water industry’s premier international conference. And leading many of the discussions will be Australia’s own Cooperative Research Centre for Water Sensitive Cities (CRCWSC).

Water sensitive cities, towns, and regions are those made sustainable, resilient, productive, and liveable through innovative water management. As champions of that vision, the CRCWSC will be a significant presence at the Congress. Many of the CRCWSC’s thought leaders will be presenting in and contributing to panels and workshops that showcase the breadth of CRCWSC’s urban water cycle expertise. Events include:

The CRCWSC trade exhibition booth at the Congress is a must-visit. It highlights how the Centre’s collaboration, research, and innovation leads to tailored solutions for communities around the world.

For the very latest in water sensitive research and progress, be sure to engage with the CRCWSC at this year’s World Water Congress.

The World Water Congress is being held at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre from Saturday 8 October to Thursday 13 October.

The Congress Program can be found here:

Last updated: 5th Oct 2016