CRCWSC celebrates three years of effort and results in Perth
More than 170 researchers and industry participants came together in sunny Perth for the 2015 Industry Partners and Researchers workshops last week, including research collaborators from the Netherlands and Denmark.
CRC for Water Sensitive Cities (CRCWSC) researchers shared their experiences with industry organisations and from Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and the Australian Capital Territory.

Industry and research participants were not disappointed with many informative and engaging presentations, case studies and updates on the CRCWSC research program. Researchers spent Monday morning meeting with their Project or Program area colleagues to discuss current and ongoing research priorities, and how we will measure and communicate research impact.
CRCWSC CEO Professor Tony Wong thanked researchers and industry partners for their high level of engagement during the workshops and also the presenters for leading interesting and informative sessions.

“Presentations during the workshops showed how far the CRCWSC has come in three years. We have reached a new level of sophistication in our discussions of research insights and the increasing role our research is playing in urban planning at a local, state and national level,” Professor Wong said.
“It was very pleasing to see the interaction between researchers and industry participants and the opportunities for further collaboration that were identified during the group work sessions.”

Attendees are now looking forward to other cooperative workshops during the year and the 2nd Water Sensitive Cities Conference in Brisbane from 7-11 September.
Attendees who have not yet completed their feedback form can do so at these links:
Researchers –
Industry Partners –