CRCWSC Research Fellow selected to be amongst the world’s top 20 early career social scientists
Dr Briony Rogers, Monash University Research Fellow and CRCWSC project leader has just been selected by the International Social Science Council to be one of 20 ‘World Social Science Fellows’ in the area of sustainable urbanisation.
This is a very competitive program of distinction. Briony is one of 20 early career researchers in the social sciences selected from around the world to be put through a mentoring program. The program will involve the training and facilitation of future world social science leaders to collaborate in setting future research agendas and preparing collaborative research proposals for international research funding agencies. This award is in recognition of Briony’s outstanding scholarly achievements to date, as assessed by an independent international social scientific body.

The World Social Science Fellows program is supported by the Swedish International Development Agency and the Government of Sweden. The program seeks to foster a new generation of globally-networked research leaders who will collaborate in addressing global problems with particular relevance for low and middle income countries
As part of the fellowship, Briony will be travelling to the National Taipei University, Taiwan, in November to participate in a one week seminar on the topic of Sustainable Urbanisation — Transformations to Sustainability in Urban Contexts. The fellows, from a diverse range of disciplines, will work with international leading specialists, policy makers, practitioners, activists, and other stakeholders to discuss and design interdisciplinary perspectives on sustainable urbanisation. More information on the Program can be found at:
Briony Rogers is project leader in CRCWSC Project A4.2. entitled Mapping Water Sensitive City Scenarios, which aims to identify the enabling conditions and strategic pathways for transforming water management practices towards the envisioned future water sensitive cities for Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth. Briony has an interdisciplinary background, with a PhD in Environmental Sociology, a Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours) and Bachelor of Science, as well as experience as an engineering consultant on water infrastructure projects in Australia and Vietnam.