The CRCWSC’s 2015–16 Stakeholder Annual Report now online
Our 2015–16 Stakeholder Annual Report explains the journey that our researchers and industry partners are on to ensure the first four years of the CRCWSC’s research creates a tangible impact.
FY1516 has been a year of transition and planning for the Cooperative Research Centre for Water Sensitive Cities (CRCWSC). As we approach the end of our Tranche 1 program (2012–2016), we find ourselves at an important strategic juncture. After investing and delivering our first four years of research, we now embark on the potentially more challenging task of achieving impact from this research. But we are more than equipped to meet this challenge. Our efforts to create connections over the last four years mean that we will be building on a solid foundation – our strong network of partners, our reach across Australia’s major cities, and our cross-disciplinary links within industry and within research.
Our plans for research adoption and tangible impact are aligned with the Commonwealth Government’s vision for smart Australian cities: transitioning them from the old manufacturing-based economies to new innovation and service-based economies.
These cities must be resilient, sustainable, and liveable – all attributes that we ascribe to water sensitive cities. In FY1516 we developed a structure and program of activities to ensure that our direction continues to align with and support that of the government and our partners.
The Board has also defined a bold international direction for the CRCWSC going forward. While our priority remains the transition of Australian cities and towns, we also recognise the unique leadership position of Australia’s water industry – and with the CRCWSC’s strong international reputation, many global cities now look to us for direction. Working in international cities provides an opportunity to create a global brand for water sensitive cities, as well as important business development opportunities for our commercial partners. It also allows us to establish pilot projects overseas that implement the technologies we anticipate being applied in Australian cities in the not too distant future.
After a productive year, we remain on track to deliver our commitments to the Commonwealth and to our members. Our efforts over the past four years are bearing fruit, and the foundations are in place for the next exciting phase of the CRCWSC.
Cheryl Batagol