Professor Darryl Low Choy was recognised for his influence on planning education with a prestigious Fellowship of the Planning Institute of Australia (PIA) at the recent PIA Awards for Planning Excellence 2015 in Brisbane.

In the past three decades, the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities Water Sensitive Urbanism co-Program Leader has taught and mentored planning graduates from Griffith University that now work as planning professionals in Queensland, interstate and internationally.

One of Darryl’s significant contributions was the key role he played, together with his colleague Professor Lex Brown, in the establishment of the School of Environment Planning at Griffith University in 1995. This School celebrates its 20th anniversary this year and is one of the most progressive and influential planning programs in Australia.

Complimentary to his commitment to teaching, Darryl has an extensive portfolio of research undertakings in areas including collaborative regional planning, growth management in developing regions, resilience and climate change adaptation.

He has also provided on going specialist advice to the Queensland Government in the preparation, review and implementation of the South East Queensland Regional Plan.


Last updated: 1st Dec 2015