Deadline extended – Final Call: Special Issue Transitions Through a Lends of Urban Water
Final Call for Papers
Journal Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions
Special Issue
“Transitions Through a Lens of Urban Water”
We invite contributions to a special issue on transitions from an urban water perspective. The urban water sector seems to have ideal characteristics to be a model system for transitions studies. Urban water systems combine ecological, technological and social aspects that independently have the interest of the transitions research community. Moreover, the water sectors in different cities provide rich examples of systems in various phases of transitions.
The recent 3rd International Conference on Sustainability Transitions in Copenhagen featured a dedicated stream of presentations on this topic, suggesting urban water systems have become a steady niche in transitions research. At this conference a number of papers were presented that form the basis of this proposed special issue.
One of the aims of the special issue is to provide a comprehensive overview of the state of the art of the scholarship on urban water transitions. We would like to invite authors to contribute papers that address key questions from transitions studies with insights from urban water research. Specifically, but certainly not exclusively, we are interested in contributions addressing urban water transitions from the perspectives of:
- Actor dynamics and understanding agency
- The role and dynamics of institutional change
- Modelling approaches to understand transition processes
Deadline for full papers - Sunday, 31st of March, 2013
Guest Editorial Team
Dr. Fjalar de Haan (Monash Water for Liveability, Monash University)
Dr. Ir. Niki Frantzeskaki (Dutch Research Institute for Transitions, Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Briony Ferguson (Monash Water for Liveability, Monash University)
Professor Rebekah Brown (Monash Water for Liveability, Monash University)
Contact Information
For more information, please send email to For submission of full papers please use the online submission system here, and select SI: Urban Water Transitions when you reach the “Article Type” step to ensure the submission is correctly identified.