Designing and evaluating water sensitive infill developments: a showcase of IRP4 **POSTPONED**
Join the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities (CRCWSC) and its partners and learn about our suite of resources for guiding design and informing decisions on quality urban infill development.
- Australia’s leading professors of architecture from Monash University and The University of Western Australia have developed a catalogue of typologies for density living for greener, water sensitive infill developments.
- Water experts from the University of Queensland’s Advanced Water Management Centre have developed a framework to assess the performance of these typologies. The framework evaluates infill development at site-scale and at precinct-scale, comparing “business as usual” urban infill against the new typologies.
This presentation relates to a test case study precinct in WA’s Knutsford development area.
Event details:
Name: Designing and evaluating water sensitive infill developments: a showcase of IRP4
Date: Postpone - Date TBA
Time: TBA
Venue: Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage, 140 William Street, Perth
Seminar room: Exhibition Hall (Level 2)
Cost: Free and open access, but you must register for the event here:

Geoffrey London, Professor, School of Design, The University of Western Australia
Geoffrey is Professor of Architecture at The University of Western Australia, a Professorial Fellow at The University of Melbourne, and a Life Fellow of the Australian Institute of Architects. He previously held the positions of Victorian Government Architect (2008-14) and Western Australian Government Architect (2004-8). He has advised those state governments on a wide range of projects and on issues that include design quality, project procurement, heritage, master planning, sustainability and development strategies. Geoffrey also consults on urban design, architecture, design review and architectural competitions. Geoffrey is an active researcher in the CRCWSC, and has a long term professional and research interest in medium density housing and forms of delivery that provide better design and more affordability.

Nigel Bertram, Practice Professor – Architecture, Faculty of Art, Design & Architecture, Monash University
Nigel established NMBW Architecture Studio in Melbourne with Marika Neustupny and Lucinda McLean in 1997. Since then, their architectural work has been widely published and awarded across categories including single and multiple residential design, small public works, adaptive re-use of existing buildings and peripheral urban design strategies. NMBW’s work is known for its careful reading of existing conditions, at both an urban scale and the scale of individual habitation. In 2010 Nigel completed his PhD through architectural project at RMIT University, where he taught for 11 years and was co-director of the Urban Architecture Laboratory research unit within the School of Architecture and Design. From 2007-10 Nigel was a member of the Sullivans Cove Design Panel, which advised the Tasmanian Government on urban design, planning and architectural matters within the highly sensitive Sullivans Cove precinct of central Hobart. He was recently appointed as a member of the Design Review Panel established by the Office of the Victorian Government Architect.

Dr Steve Kenway, Associate Professor, Advanced Water Management Centre, The University of Queensland
Steve Kenway has over 28 years’ experience developed through senior roles in research, industry, government and consulting. His research focuses on analysis and management of water and related energy, GHG emissions, food, and cost flows through utilities, households, cities and economies. This work involves developing frameworks and analysis tools for direct and embodied impacts of water supply, use and disposal. Energy efficient water security, integrated water and energy planning, water sensitive infill, and beyond net zero water are his current focus. Dr Kenway leads the Water-Energy-Carbon group at The University of Queensland. He has authored over 150 peer-reviewed articles and attracted over $7m in research funding over the last decade.

Dr Marguerite Renouf, Senior Research Fellow, Advanced Water Management Centre, The University of Queensland
Marguerite has worked on environmental sustainability research at The University of Queensland for 20 years, with a particular interest in the environmental evaluation of production systems and urban systems using environmental life cycle assessment, urban metabolism evaluation and eco-efficiency analysis. Currently, Marguerite is a lead researcher with the CRCWSC, developing methods and metrics for quantifying the water sensitive performance of Australian cities, using urban metabolism approaches. In this work she collaborates closely with urban planners, water manager and architects.
For any questions about the event, please contact Emma Yuen at or Tammie Harold at
For more information on the CRCWSC's integrated research project 4 (IRP4), please visit our website:
Venue: Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage, 140 William Street, Perth