Eric Laurenson Medal awarded to Dr Cintia Dotto
The launch of the GRIP PhD candidates’ commencement last week was also the forum to announce the first recipient of an award recognising an outstanding Monash PhD graduate in the field of water engineering.
CRCWSC CEO Prof Tony Wong presented the Eric Laurenson Medal to Dr Cintia Dotto for her work on the uncertainty of modelling in urban water systems, which resulted in international recognition and the revision of stormwater treatment targets in Victoria.
The medal will be awarded each year to a recently graduated PhD candidate from Monash University that has demonstrated excellence in these criteria:

- Quality of PhD thesis based on considerations of examiners’ reports and scientific publications in international journals arising from the thesis
- Extent to which the research work has seeded or has potential to seed change in practice in water science, engineering and management
- Role of the candidate in communicating their research findings to industry during their candidature

Eric Laurenson, a former Chair of Civil Engineering (Water Resources) at Monash, was an influential figure in engineering hydrology in Australia.