Event invitation: Wastewater – An Untapped Resource?
The Australian Water Recycling Centre of Excellence (AWRCE) and Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering will celebrate the launch of a report into resource recovery from wastewater at a free event in Melbourne on 9 December.
The study, commissioned by the AWRCE, was developed by a working group led by Dr John Burgess FTSE. The group also included Resource Recovery from Wastewater (Project C2.1) Project Leader Professor Damien Batstone, CSIRO’s Dr Tim Muster and Francis Pamminger from CRCWSC Participant Yarra Valley Water.
The event will be held at 11:30am on Wednesday 9 December at Melbourne Water, Terrace Room, 990 La Trobe Street, Docklands.
Register online now or contact the ATSE Office on 03 9864 0919.