Free place available to WSCA partners for IWES online course on integrated urban water management
What: IWES Integrated Urban Water Assessment and Management
When: 14–18 February 2022 (5 morning sessions, ~4 hours/day)
Where: Online
Cost: FREE (1 free place is available to WSCA partners)
IWES is one of Australia’s largest education programs for water industry professionals. Owned by the Queensland Government, its run out of the University of Queensland, a long-time partner of the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities (CRCWSC).
This year, Professor Steven Kenway—Project Leader of the CRCWSC’s Integrated Research Project 4 (Water sensitive outcomes for infill development)—is running a new online IWES course on Integrated Urban Water Assessment and Management.
This 5-day online course explains what integrated urban water assessment and management is and why it’s important. It also introduces 2 CRCWSC tools you can use to assess water balance:

Water Sensitive Cities Australia has 1 free place available and is inviting expressions of interest from WSCA partner organisations. If you’re interested, you need to briefly state (in around 100 words) how/why attending the course will help your role or career progression, and provide a commitment to complete the course.
Please email your application to Jamie Ewert ( by COB Friday 4 February 2022.
If you have any questions, please contact Jamie.