Helping to create international cities of the future

Last month, the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities (CRCWSC) presented 13 papers to the Cities of the Future (CoF) Symposium held in Sydney.
An initiative of the International Water Association (IWA), the Cities of the Future program has the key vision of water security for cities around the world through integrated urban design and service.
It does this by:
- evaluating and communicating the many ways that the urban water cycle can be planned and managed to contribute to making cities sustainable, healthy, more liveable, risk-resilient and regenerative; and
- creating and strengthening the enabling environment which supports utilities, institutions, regulations and policies.
The Cities of the Future Symposium program was developed in collaboration with the IWA, the CRC for Low Carbon Living (CRCLCL) and the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities (CRCWSC) with support from the Water Services Association of Australia, the International WaterCentre and Sydney Water.
The IWA Cities of the Future Program is developing “Principles of Practice” for the achievement of “water security” in cities. The discussions from the CoF Symposium will provide significant input to the development of these principles and it is anticipated that a draft communiqué will be available for further development at the 7th World Water Forum (WWF) in Daegu, Korea, in April 2015. The CoF program is chaired by Professor Rob Skinner, CRCWSC Deputy Chair.
For more information about the IWA’s Cities of the Future Program go to