The Cooperative Research Centre for Water Sensitive Cities (CRCWSC) is hosting an information session on Integrated Research Projects related to Economics  (IRP2) and Infill Development (IRP4) for Participants.

The event will include a brief update of ongoing CRCWSC activities by Chief Research Officer Jurg Keller. This will be followed by a comprehensive presentation of current and proposed activities and expected outputs, and an update on Research Case Studies of IRP2 (morning session) and IRP4 (afternoon session).  Each presentation will be followed by a discussion in which Participants will be given the opportunity to discuss the outputs of ongoing projects with the research teams, and to provide feedback on the relevance of outputs in relation to industry needs.

Date: 9am – 3 pm, Friday 8 March 2018
Location: Victoria Hotel Board Room, Subiaco, WA 6008

For further information on each project, please see the slides attached.   If you're interested in participating in future sessions, please get in touch with Nora Foley