Introducing our new membership category – SME Associate
The CRC for Water Sensitive Cities (CRCWSC) is now inviting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to join the CRC through a new membership category – SME Associate.
The CRCWSC is focused on ensuring industry adoption of its research outputs. We will position our SME Associates at the forefront of knowledge and thought-leadership in water sensitive urban design and the creation of water sensitive cities. We will support their commercial endeavours through access to, and training in, our research outputs.

The benefits of joining the CRCWSC as an SME Associate include access to activities usually reserved for participants, including the annual Industry Partner Workshops, the new Water Sensitive Cities Conference, research synthesis activities, CRCWSC stakeholder and industry engagement events, access to the participants’ section of the CRCWSC’s intranet, quarterly reports from the CRCWSC and participation by invitation in consulting activities involving the CRCWSC as appropriate.