Inviting expressions of interest in a new online course on benefit: cost analysis
What: Applied Benefit: Cost Analysis
When: Starting 22 February 2021
Where: Online
Professor David Pannell—creator of INFFEWS and member of the CRCWSC’s Integrated Research Project 2—Comprehensive economic evaluation framework—has developed a new online course on Applied Benefit: Cost Analysis (BCA).
The CRC for Water Sensitive Cities has 5 places available and is inviting expressions of interest from CRCWSC participant organisations. If you’re interested, you need to briefly state (in around 100 words) how/why attending the course will help your role or career progression, and provide a commitment to complete the course. Please email your application to Jamie Ewert ( by Friday 5 February 2021.

Our aim is to select one applicant from each CRCWSC region (Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia). The CRCWSC will pay the University of Western Australia directly. You won’t need to pay first and then be reimbursed.
The 12-week course provides a highly engaging, practical learning experience, based on David’s decades of experience conducting BCAs, developing BCA tools and delivering BCA training courses.
If you’ve done one of the CRCWSC’s training courses on the INFFEWS BCA tool, this course is a great opportunity to deepen your knowledge of BCA and further raise your skill level. You’ll learn much more about all aspects of BCA than there was time for in the CRCWSC training. Even if you have not done the CRCWSC training, the course will bring you up to speed—there is no assumption that you already have a background in BCA.
The course starts on 22 February 2021. For the first run of the course, the University of Western Australia is offering the full course for the introductory price of AU$550. It can be done as a stand-alone professional development course, or as the first unit in a new Masters degree.
Click here for more information and to enrol.