CRC for Water Sensitive Cities (CRCWSC) has been undertaking research into the economics of supporting a water sensitive city in both tranche 1, under Program A  (  Project A1.1,   Project A1.2   and   Project A1.3) and tranche 2, under   IRP2.   CRCWSC research generated in tranche 1 has significantly contributed to an improved understanding of the economic value of investing in water sensitive systems and practices, and produced resources to provide decision makers with the knowledge required to make more informed decisions.  Dr Sayed Iftekhar, Project Leader for IRP2 and a Researcher on Program A, provides a summary of tranche 1 and presents two completed studies; Local Stormwater Management, and; Buffer Zone Management.  Through the use of tools currently being developed under IRP2, Dr Iftekhar demonstrates how this research can be applied to support business case development for decision making around investment in water sensitive designs and practices.