Biofiltration systems are widely used in water sensitive urban design.

Melbourne Water defines biofiltration systems (also known as biofilters, raingardens, or bioretention or bio-infiltration systems) as terrestrial stormwater treatment systems. They differ from aquatic systems such as constructed stormwater treatment wetlands.

To help practitioners design and maintain these systems, Melbourne Water provides a guideline—Biofiltration systems in Development Services Schemes—and an update is now available.

Biofiltration systems proposed in Melbourne Water Development Services Schemes must meet a number of ‘Deemed to Comply Criteria’ or specified core outcomes where no council-specific criteria exist.

The new technical document provides information for Melbourne’s development industry on the application, design, construction and establishment of biofiltration systems in Melbourne Water Development Services Schemes.

The document applies where no council-specific requirements exist for these systems. It offers the Deemed to Comply and Alternative Design Acceptance Approach pathways, in alignment with Melbourne Water’s Wetland Design Manual and Constructed Waterway Design Manual.

The Melbourne Water biofiltration systems guidelines aim to enable the consistent delivery of best practice biofiltration system assets.

The CRC for Water Sensitive Cities released its Adoption guidelines for stormwater biofiltration systems four years ago, and helped to review the Melbourne Water guideline. Interestingly, the CRCWSC biofiltration guidelines are often in the top 10 downloads on our website. In FY1920, they were the second most downloaded resource.

Last updated: 27th Oct 2020