MOOC taps into water concerns
In collaboration with the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities (CRCWSC), the Monash Water for Liveability Centre will run a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on one of the major challenges facing our planet: how to develop resilient and liveable cities for the future.
The course, Water for Liveable and Resilient Cities, starting on 2 March 2015, will be delivered through FutureLearn.
Students will have the opportunity to explore the concept of water sensitive cities – how cities can be designed with water in mind to ensure they are liveable and resilient in the face of rapid urbanisation and climate change impacts.
Students will hear from world-renowned researchers and practitioners about what is needed to deliver water sensitive cities. The course will explore leading-edge research from the environmental, social, economic, political and engineering disciplines.
Course leader Professor Rob Skinner, Director of the Monash Water for Liveability Centre, and CRCWSC board member, said it would explore the complex and multidisciplinary nature of water sensitive city planning.
“The MOOC is another way that our work can be brought to a broad audience and hopefully establish a new cohort of enthusiasts; people who want to leave this world with more liveable and resilient cities for their grandchildren,” Professor Skinner said.
Five other leading CRCWSC and Monash University researchers will also be involved in delivering the MOOC: Professor Tony Wong, CEO of the CRCWSC, Professor Rebekah Brown from the School of Social Sciences; Professor Nigel Tapper from the School of Earth, Atmosphere and Environment; Professor Ana Deletic from the Department of Civil Engineering; and Professor Diego Ramirez-Lovering from the Department of Architecture.
For further information about this free online course, or to register visit: