
The CRC for Water Sensitive Cities’ IRP2 team has developed a  Comprehensive Economic Evaluation Framework  to identify and quantify economic, environmental and community values of investments in water sensitive practices and systems. As part of the framework, the IRP2 has developed a  Benefit: Cost Analysis  (BCA) Tool to assess water-related investments, and a  Value Tool , which consists of a database with over 300 values from recent non market valuation studies relevant to water sensitive projects in Australia. Since the release of beta versions of these tools during 2018, there have been changes to the tools based on users’ feedback, and requests for further training in  applying the framework.

This training workshop, to be delivered by Professor David Pannell (Centre for Environmental Economics and Policy, UWA), is aiming to build capacity and transfer knowledge in economic evaluation of urban water and environmental management investments and provide a focused hands-on training session on how to use the  INFFEWS Benefit: Cost Analysis (BCA) Tool .

It is suitable for professionals involved in planning, policy, economics, decision analysis, management, project evaluation and business case development in urban water and environmental areas. Furthermore, the training workshop is expected to be beneficial to others who want to develop and enhance their knowledge and understanding on how the BCA tool can be applied in decision analysis and dealing with the distribution of benefits of a project or investment among multiple stakeholder groups.

Attendees are expected to have a basic knowledge of BCA and the economics that underpin it, so that the workshop can focus on using the BCA Tool. A brief online training course will be made available during early May 2019 for attendees who need to develop or familiarise with the required knowledge prior to the workshop. The content of that course will be assumed knowledge in the workshop.

You will need to bring your own laptop for the hands-on training session of the workshop. Once the CRCWSC confirm your registration, you will be provided with further details about the training workshop.

Places are limited so register soon for a session in your region below.

CRCWSC Participant registration is free for up to three representatives from each Essential Participant and two representatives from each Other Participant or SME Associate Partner. If you are not from a CRCWSC Participant organisation but would like to attend the workshop, please contact your Regional Manager.

Contact   Tamara Harold   from IRP2 for further information.

Last updated: 18th Apr 2019