An infill housing development in Perth with ambitious sustainability targets is the focus of a new report by the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities (CRCWSC).

Ideas for Bentley is the product from discussions held during a two-day research synthesis workshop for the Bentley Regeneration Project in June 2015.

The research synthesis workshop, hosted by the Housing Authority and facilitated by the CRCWSC, included participants from organisations such as City of Canning, CRC for Low Carbon Living, Water Corporation, Swan River Trust, Essential Environmental, Place Laboratory and Pritchard Francis.

Research and industry partners at the workshop generated several ideas for water sensitive planning and development approaches, which would aim to:

  • create a lush, cool local environment that supports place-making;
  • utilise local water supplies and green infrastructure to reduce the water footprint of Bentley and defer water infrastructure augmentation costs;
  • establish secure local water supplies to sustain the local landscape without increasing demand on Scheme water or groundwater; and
  • offer water sensitive buildings as a choice for consumers.

The Bentley redevelopment, delivered through a strategic partnership between the Western Australian Housing Authority and the City of Canning, will provide at least 1,500 new residential dwellings, as well as revitalised civic and community facilities, a range of open spaces, and commercial and retail buildings.

Download the report

Last updated: 2nd May 2016