Postgraduate students seek opportunities to apply the latest thinking on Water Sensitive Cities
The CRC is committed to sharing knowledge, translating research outcomes and building capacity amongst current water professionals and future sector leaders. As part of this, the CRC has developed an education module on Water Sensitive Cities, which is currently being implemented in collaboration with the International WaterCentre (IWC) through its Masters in Integrated Water Management (MIWM).
This education module aims to equip participants with an interdisciplinary understanding of the interplay between society, technology and urban design to ensure water security, water resource efficiency, waterway health, flood mitigation, public health and amenity. Participants critically engage with the underlying principles of a Water Sensitive City and examine socio-technical pathways for facilitating its delivery.
The culminating component of IWC MIWM is the Final Project, where program participants apply and test their knowledge and skills against current or emerging water issues under the guidance of professional and academic expertise.
Program participants are encouraged to design and implement collaborative projects with organisations or communities seeking integrated solutions to complex water-related challenges. Since the program’s launch in 2008, the IWC MIWM has successfully delivered more than 100 projects in over 37 countries, in collaboration with over 45 organisations across the globe.
This Final Project offers a great opportunity for CRC partners to engage a student to apply dedicated focus on investigating specific questions relating to water sensitive planning and design in practice. Alternatively, students may have their own research question that could be explored within a particular organisational context, advancing the delivery of water sensitive practices around Australia.
Nominations are now invited for organisations to register interest for the 2014 round of Projects: IWC thanks the continuing support of its existing partners and their role in developing a global community of practice in Integrated Water Management, and welcomes new collaborations with organisations wishing to actively contribute to this field.
To find out more about the Masters in Integrated Water Management, go to or contact the IWC at
By Fiona Chandler, Briony Ferguson and Annette Bos