Present a case study at our 4th Water Sensitive Cities Conference

Have you been involved in a project that puts water sensitive principles into practice? We are looking for projects to include as case studies at our 4th Water Sensitive Cities Conference in March 2019. You can lodge your expression of interest here.
Planning for the conference—‘Delivering the transition to water sensitive cities: approaches, activities and achievements’—is progressing well. The conference theme focuses on how water sensitive cities are being implemented in Australia and overseas. And examples of water sensitive projects are an integral part of the program.
“Case studies that demonstrate practical, real-world application of water sensitive innovations will provide valuable insights and lessons for everyone working to make our cities more liveable, resilient, productive and sustainable”, said Ben Furmage (our Chief Operating and Finance Officer). “Examples of practical application of research outputs were a highlight of our conference in 2017, and we are very keen to build our knowledge about delivering water sensitive solutions on the ground.”
We’re looking for case studies that cover a wide range of topics:
- Using green infrastructure for heat mitigation
- Using our economic tools to value the impact of water sensitive practice
- Influencing behaviour change, increasing water literacy and engaging with communities
- Demonstrating the future of integrated knowledge sharing and visualisation, using our Tools and Products
- Following the progress of local and international cities as they transition to becoming a water sensitive city
- Exploring the ecological costs and benefits of activities such as restoring riverways, implementing water sensitive urban design and creating living streams
- Demonstrating new technologies.
You’ll find more information about the conference topics in our draft program.
Expressions of interest close Friday 16 November 2018.