
The project focused on knowledge sharing between researchers and industry partners through the development and application of the Water Sensitive Cities Modelling Toolkit. The Toolkit provides a platform for the synthesis of green infrastructure and stormwater management research from across the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities (CRCWSC) and its application by industry as part of planning and design projects at a range of scales.

The application of the toolkit enables a wide range of green infrastructure scenarios for stormwater management and urban heat mitigation to be generated in response to user defined objectives and targets, and multiple benefits provided by different scenarios to be quantified and compared.

Water sensitive demonstration projects at Officer (Victoria) and Marrickville (NSW) provided proof-of-concept for water sensitive initiatives. Demonstration projects have helped to build researchers’ and practitioners’ knowledge and capacity through learning-by-doing and provided vital case studies to support the transition to water sensitive cities.


Key outcomes

This project developed tools to support the transition to water sensitive cities and towns, and coordinated the integration of research outputs from across the CRCWSC to water sensitive demonstration projects delivered by industry partners. A fully functional version 1 beta of the toolkit was launched in July 2013, with version 2 beta released in October 2014 for testing and validation by end users. Testing of the toolkit continues through the project "Water Sensitive Cities Modelling Toolkit" (Project D1.5). Researchers, water utilities, local governments, consultants and other organisations applying the Toolkit will be able to better understand, quantify and compare multiple benefits associated with potential green infrastructure and stormwater management strategies within their area.

Application of research in demonstration projects delivered by CRCWSC partner organisations is another key outcome of this project. Examples include the development of a strategy to protect the ecological values of Gum Scrub Creek in Melbourne, Victoria, as urban development occurs within the catchment. Knowledge and capacity built through the co-planning for and co-management of a biofilter for stormwater harvesting, treatment and use in Marrickville in New South Wales is another key outcome.

Researchers conducted knowledge sharing seminars, presentations, reports and site visits focused on CRCWSC research engagement, outcomes and insights for the demonstration projects, and seminars and training on the application of the Water Sensitive Cities Modelling Toolkit.