We’ve postponed our Perth infill development workshop

UPDATE - 17 MARCH 2020
Given the increasing occurrence of COVID-19, the CRCWSC is reviewing, adapting and where appropriate delaying activities.
We are postponing our Designing and Evaluating Water Sensitive Infill Developments Workshop. People who have already registered for this event will be notified via email.
We plan to reschedule this event for a time later in the year. We will advertise the new details in watersense and via social media once we have decided on a new date.
You can find out more information about the resources below.
Our IRP4 team has produced two important resources for infill developments: the Infill typologies catalogue, and the Draft infill performance evaluation framework.
We will run a workshop later in the year about these resources, based on a test case study precinct in WA’s Knutsford development area.
Infill typologies catalogue—Revision A
Australia’s leading professors of architecture from Monash University and The University of Western Australia have developed a catalogue of typologies for density living for greener, water sensitive infill developments. This draft catalogue contains draft designs for water sensitive housing typologies to inform better residential infill practice. It includes a range of housing typologies, at densities and configurations relevant to Australian cities, and applicable to contemporary infill development scenarios. The designs were informed by evaluations of water sensitivity, urban space quality and urban heat using the Infill Evaluation Framework, also developed by the IRP4 project and being showcased at this Perth workshop.
Infill performance evaluation framework—Draft for consultation
Water experts from the University of Queensland’s Advanced Water Management Centre have developed a framework to assess the performance of infill development at site-scale and at precinct-scale. Performance refers to water sensitivity, quality urban spaces and thermal comfort. The team used a mixture of quantitative and qualitative methods to generate a set of performance indicators, which practitioners can use to compare water sensitive designs against business-as-usual infill designs. The framework can generate evidence to inform better infill designs, and will continue to evolve.
Both resources are in draft form, and will be made publicly available at the end of the IRP4 project around mid-2020.