Register for two new events in Queensland
We're hosting two new events in Queensland:
Yarrabilba site tour
Wednesday 25 November 2020, 12 noon to 6.00 pm
Continuing our theme of design led, collaborative, inspirational practice delivering liveable places, we are pleased to offer the fourth and last of our Yarrabilba Happy Street Seminar Series. Join us for a site tour followed by a workshop to look at implementation pathways for design ideas generated at the third seminar.
The purpose of this session will be to review the design ideas generated at the third seminar, consider the results of CRCWSC modelling using the Scenario Tool (biophysical) impacts and the Economics Framework, followed by an interactive session to unpack the implementation pathways that would crystalise the designs. Chris Tanner, CRCWSC Queensland Regional Manager, will lead the seminar, and Piet Filet from the Flood Community of Practice (Flood CoP) will facilitate it.
You’ll find all the details for this event, including the registration link, here.

Designing Planning Schemes for Flood Management
Friday 20 November 2020, 8.30 am to 3.00 pm AEST
The Flood Community of Practice (Flood CoP) collectively invites you to the 3rd installment of its Flood Fundamentals series. Previous sessions looked at the role of modelling and insurance to better prepare and respond to flood risk. And now we will add the final fundamental piece of ‘DE’signing flood risk into a planning scheme, which is looking at flood risk to roll back the flood and collaborative institutional governance.
Sign up here.