Developing ideas for the greater Darwin region

The research synthesis workshop focused on four design questions to address the challenges and
opportunities for Darwin.


  • Water quality in the Harbour remains good. Managing the impacts of continuing development in its
    catchment will require a coordinated approach.
  • Providing water security, initially by addressing high water demand.
  • The water narrative is disconnected from the sustainability narrative, even though both are embedded in the “Darwin lifestyle”.
  • A water sensitive city requires a reorientation of existing urban water approaches to include both centralised and decentralised institutions and infrastructure.

Design questions:

  • How can growth in water supplies protect Darwin’s environment and lifestyle?
  • How can we change residents’ water use habits and behaviours?
  • How can we adapt water sensitive urban design to the wet-dry tropics?
  • How can we promote collaboration to reorient urban water approaches?