People-35-1024x682Finding the right balance between architectural infrastructure and nature is the focus of an urban design panel session at the State Library in Melbourne on 12 May.

CRC for Water Sensitive Cities (CRCWSC) CEO Professor Tony Wong will join planning, climate change adaptation and urban development experts to discuss the role and benefits of greening the urban landscape.

Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA) Victorian chapter president, Jon Shinkfield will host the event, along with Fleming’s Nurseries director Wes Fleming OAM.

Speakers on the panel will include Metropolitan Planning Authority CEO Peter Seamer, Planning Panels Victoria Chief Panel Member Kathy Mitchell and Urban Development Institute of Victoria CEO Danni Addison.

More information on the event is available at the AILA website.

Event details

Date: Tuesday 12 May 2015
Time: 5.30pm – 8.30pm
Location: State Library’s Village Roadshow Theatrette, 328 Swanston St, Melbourne

Last updated: 12th May 2015