State of knowledge of non-market values of water-sensitive systems and practices: Potential of benefit transfer – Sydney
Splash is pleased to partner with the Cooperative Research Centre for Water Sensitive Cities (CRC WSC) and invite stakeholders to attend the following presentation:
Topic: State of knowledge of non-market values of water-sensitive systems and practices: Potential of benefit transfer
Abstract: Water sensitive systems and practices provide multiple indirect benefits such as environmental and ecological services. However, due to a lack of information on the monetized value of these services many of these services are not considered during investment decision making. The compilation and synthesis of existing non-market valuation estimates of the monetary value of water sensitive systems and practices, by making reference values readily available, can encourage the incorporation of indirect benefit value information in the investment decision process. In this presentation, we shall show results from selected non-market valuation studies that have been carried out within the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities. We shall also share our findings from an extensive literature review of existing non-market valuation studies. Finally, the potential for transferring/adjusting these non-market valuation estimates from on one location to another and from one time period to another period will be discussed.
Presenter: Dr Sayed Iftekhar, Senior Research Fellow, UWA School of Agriculture and Environment,
University of Western Australia and CRC for Water Sensitive Cities
Bio: Sayed Iftekhar is an environmental and resource economist with broad interests in the interactions between human and nature. He has received training on forestry (Khulna University) and biodiversity conservation (Oxford University). Sayed has also worked on coastal zone management in Bangladesh for several years. During his pre-PhD phase, Sayed studied environmental issues such as sustainable forest management, ecosystem services, protected areas and environmental conservation from biological and resource management viewpoints. Later, with PhD training at the University of Western Australia (UWA), he has started using different economic tools such as agent based modelling, laboratory experiments and simulations to study these issues. Sayed has broadened his interests to combinatorial conservation auctions, fisheries quota allocation, networks and group formation, market design for environmental water buyback and intergenerational equity and risk aversion. He is currently working on economics of urban water management and water sensitive cities.
Presentation Details:
Date: Tuesday 1 May,
Time: 4:45 – 6:00pm
Venue: SMC Function Centre, Level 5, Remington Room
Address: 66 Goulburn St , Sydney
Cost: Free
Register: To register for the session participants will need to enter the password 'Water Sensitive Cities' when promoted. Please register here.
For more information, contact the Splash Coordinator, Kristy Good
Phone: 8849 4455
Mobile: 0459 366 938
For more detailed information on this project, please read some reports or watch the videos publicly available on the IRP2 website
Contact Tamara Harold from IRP2 for further information.