The world’s water sensitive cities start here…
The CRC for Water Sensitive Cities is proud to announce the launch of our new website today.
Featuring an exciting, contemporary and sophisticated design, the new site will provide improved navigation and ease of access to information on water sensitive city concepts and research outputs catering for a wide variety of users.
Some of the key features include:
- myCRCWSC a participants-only personalised dashboard to save topics of interest, follow key projects and receive reminders about publication and project updates;
- enhanced search functionality, which enables visitors to search by project, topic, specific city/region, author, or participant;
- simplified introductions to key concepts and benefits of water sensitive cities, designed to appeal to new audiences;
- map view that shows locally relevant research outputs; and
- and a responsive design suitable for smart devices so you can access information on the run.
A stakeholder user group have been engaged from the very early design phase and have helped to inform navigation and search functions. Their input has been essential and greatly appreciated.
The web address will remain as New and exciting features such as interactive case studies, along with additional resources will continue to be uploaded over the coming months.
Executive Director for Communication and Adoption, Fiona Chandler, who led the website project team, said the new website would offer greater functionality, and cater to current and future audiences with varied knowledge of water sensitive cities.
“Enabling industry to access the increasing number of research outputs, and supporting the translation of this knowledge into industry-relevant resources, has been a key driver behind the website development process” she said.
CRCWSC participants will receive login details via email. Participant access questions can be directed to