We’ve cancelled our BCA Tool training workshop in Brisbane

UPDATE - 17 MARCH 2020
Given the increasing occurrence of COVID-19, the CRCWSC is reviewing, adapting and where appropriate delaying activities.
This includes our upcoming Brisbane workshops about how to use two of our most popular tools—our Benefit Cost Analysis (BCA) Tool for assessing water-related investments, and our Value Tool for determining non-market and market values of water sensitive systems and practices. Both tools are part of our IRP2 Investment Framework For Economics of Water Sensitive Cities (INFFEWS).
The training sessions are free to CRCWSC Participant organisations.
- The INFFEWS Value Tool Workshop scheduled for Wednesday 18 March will go ahead, but as a virtual workshop. If you registered for this event, you will receive a link to the virtual workshop via email.
- We have cancelled our Benefit Cost Analysis (BCA) Tool Workshop scheduled for Tuesday 24 March. If you registered for this event, you will be formally notified via email. We will readvertise for this event later in the year, once we have decided on a new date.
You can read more about the workshops below.
INFFEWS Value Tool Training Workshop
When: 8.30 am to 4.00 pm, 18 March 2020
At this workshop you’ll learn:
- the importance of including non-market values in benefit cost analysis and business cases development
- how to navigate the tool and obtain relevant values for the project you want to evaluate
- the various benefit transfer methods, and how to select suitable studies
- how to conduct benefit transfer using a water-related project as an example.
You’ll benefit from this training if you’re developing business cases for investment in water sensitive systems and practices, and you want to strengthen them by including intangible benefits that do not have a clear market price, such as environmental benefits.
The Value Tool has approximately 1,000 non-market and market values related to benefits of urban water and environmental management investments.
This training is open to water sector professionals who are involved in economics, project, evaluation, or business case development for a water sensitive or environmental management related project.
The training for participants is free, but limited. Attendees must fund their own travel arrangements, and bring their own laptop computer to the training workshop.
INFFEWS BCA Tool Training Workshop
The workshop aims to build capacity and transfer knowledge in economic evaluation of urban water and environmental management investments.
It will benefit professionals in planning, policy, economics, decision analysis, management, project evaluation and business case development in urban water and environmental areas. It will be useful for people who want to better understand how to apply the tool in decision analysis and dealing with the distribution of benefits of a project or investment among multiple stakeholder groups.
Attendees are expected to have a basic knowledge of BCA and the economics that underpin it, so the workshop can focus on using the BCA Tool. A brief online training course is available for attendees who need to develop the required knowledge prior to the workshop. We will assume attendees understand the content of that course in the BCA Tool workshop.