Urban Water Cycle module launch: A new integration into the WSC Scenario Tool
The CRC for Water Sensitive Cities’ Tools and Products (TAP) team have completed the integration of the Urban Water Cycle module into the WSC Scenario Tool. We launch the release of this module with some presentations from experts who have been close to the development of the module.
Our Commercial Manager, Malcolm Eadie will open the session by outlining the enhancement to the WSC Scenario Tool following the integration of the Urban Water Cycle (UWC) module, and officially welcome Participants to start trialling the tool in their own case studies. The session will follow with Water Technology’s Luke McPhail providing an industry perspective on the functionality and features of the UWC module, and Monash University’s Christian Urich exploring the potential of WSC Scenario Tool applying the core modules by way of a case study application. See bios below.
Name: Urban Water Cycle module Launch; a new integration into the WSC Scenario Tool
Date: 3rd September, 2020
Time: 11am (AEST) for 45 minutes
ZOOM Details: Please register for the event and get the zoom details into your calendar
This is open to CRCWSC Participant organisations. Please circulate to your networks and colleagues.
Malcolm Eadie, CRC for Water Sensitive Cities
Malcolm has over 25 years’ experience in the water resources sector having held Senior Management and Directorship positions in commercial consulting practices providing strategic advice and design services to public and private sector clients. He recently joined the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities following a stint at the Queensland Water Commission and more recently as Managing Director at E2Designlab and Netgain Environments where his focus was on the promotion of integrated urban water strategy and planning. At the CRCWSC, Malcolm leads interdisciplinary teams of researchers and consulting partners to translate emerging research into practice.
Luke McPhail, Water Technology
Luke is an Integrated Water Management specialist at Water Technology. His focus is on the application of IWM Principles to water challenges for the benefit of clients, communities and the environment. Previously, Luke was a Product and Project Manager for the stormwater quality modelling tool, MUSIC, and a Project Manager for the Australian National Hydrologic Modelling Platform, eWater Source. He is a firm believer in "useable science", and that water management models are a tool (amongst many) to support and inform the decision-making process. Luke is the Chair of the TAP Project Steering Committee and has been actively involved in the testing and application of the CRC's Scenario Tool applying Urban Water Cycle module.
Dr Christian Urich, Monash University
Christian is a Lecturer with Monash University’s Department of Civil Engineering, and leader of CRCWSC’s Tools and Products, an interdisciplinary project to develop decision support and benchmarking tools that integrate the biophysical, social and economic dimensions of a city’s integrated urban water system to inform adaptive policy planning. His research explores the complexity of integrated urban systems and their linkages between the city, its water infrastructure and socio-economic systems, and developing scenarios for sustainable and robust adaptation strategies.
For any questions about the event, please contact Tammie Harold at tamara.harold@uwa.edu.au
For more information on the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities Scenario Tool in general, please visit our website: https://watersensitivecities.org.au/content/tools-products-tap/