
This Implementation Plan has been developed by the Perth Water Sensitive Transition Network with assistance from the Cooperative Research Centre for Water Sensitive Cities (CRCWSC). It outlines the actions and ideas the Water Sensitive Transition Network believe are important to implement the strategies in the Vision and Transition Strategy for a Water Sensitive Greater Perth (Hammer et al., 2018) to achieve Perth’s water sensitive vision. It provides a framework for delivery, monitoring and review of Perth’s transition progress.

This report is a companion to the Vision and Transition Strategy for a Water Sensitive Greater Perth (Hammer et al., 2018), which built on Shaping Perth as a Water Sensitive City: Outcomes and perspectives from a participatory process to develop a vision and strategic transition framework (Rogers et al., 2015).

This Implementation Plan is intended to provide guidance for future policy and planning, to be used by many different stakeholders as a sector-wide strategic framework to inform the development of intra- and cross-organisational policies, strategies and programs that facilitate the delivery of a water sensitive Greater Perth (the Perth metropolitan area defined in Perth and Peel @3.5 million land use planning and infrastructure frameworks).

The content in this document reflects the priorities identified collaboratively by the Water Sensitive Transition Network on the basis of their collective knowledge, supported by research led by the CRCWSC, particularly Integrated Research Project 1: Water Sensitive City Visions and Transition Strategies1 and Project A4.2 Mapping Water Sensitive City Scenarios2. This document and the actions it describes have no formal organisational commitment or status in government policy. It is not intended to be a substitute for a state-led water or water wise strategy.

The Water Sensitive Transition Network would sincerely like to thank Dr Briony Rogers, Chris Chesterfield and Katie Hammer from the CRCWSC for sharing their knowledge and insights and their unswerving commitment to helping us understand the importance of our Vision and Transition Strategy.