WA participants gather to follow up on the Industry Partners Workshop and celebrate 2013
Approximately 60 people gathered at the Australian Urban Design Research Centre in Perth for a half day research workshop and networking event. The purpose of the event was to continue the energy created during the Industry Partners Workshop held in October in Adelaide and to highlight some of the exciting research being led by the University of Western Australia.
Greg Claydon, Executive Director, Science and Planning at the Department of Water (Western Australia) and CRCWSC Board Member opened proceedings with a challenge for Western Australia to be at the forefront of the water sensitive cities movement and be the place others will look to for ideas and leadership.
Presentations were given by a number of researchers during the event. Professor David Panell spoke about valuing intangible benefits from integrated urban water management. Dr Carlos Ocampo introduced locally significant research on hydrology and nutrient transport processes in groundwater/surface water. Dr Leah Beesley provided a valuable conceptual understanding of the variations in the upper, mid and lower reaches of our waterways which is likely to lead to a more sophisticated understanding of restoration solutions best suited to each reach.
In addition, Professor Geoffrey London and his colleagues from the University of Western Australia and the Australian Urban Design Research Institute reflected on the opportunities provided by demonstration sites, including the Tonsley development (the focus for research synthesis during the CRCWSC’s October Industry Partners Workshop). They also demonstrated how public open space and the redesign of many existing urban areas can be better utilised to cope with intensification while contributing a wide range of ecological, water management and social benefits.
Fiona Chandler ended the workshop with a brief discussion on communication and adoption and invited participants to identify ideas for driving adoption of water sensitive city outcomes in Perth and Western Australia. These ideas will inform activities that will be undertaken in 2014 and a regional scale Communication and Adoption Plan. Ideas are always welcome and WA participants are encouraged to email Professor Anas Ghadouani on anas.ghadouani@uwa.edu.au or Fiona Chandler on fiona.chandler@crcwsc.org.au with additional ideas and opportunities for collaboration.