“A walk on the wet side” – 2013 Researchers and Industry Partners Workshops
The CRC for Water Sensitive Cities (CRCWSC) held the second Researchers and Industry Partners Workshops of 2013 in Adelaide between 28 and 31 October. Feedback from both workshops was very positive with each event garnering the CRCWSC’s highest ever participant attendance.
The Researchers Workshop was held on 28 and 29 October, and was attended by 105 of the CRC’s partner researchers from around the world. Researchers received updates on each of the CRC’s programs, and were encouraged to identify new linkages and opportunities for collaboration between their projects.
The Industry Partners Workshop kicked off with a visit to our case study site at Tonsley on the evening of 29 October. This was followed by two days of collaborative and congenial workshopping, culminating in the presentation of a range of innovative ideas for Tonsley based on our Partners’ extensive and varied expertise, demonstrating the true value of multidisciplinary and integrative thinking, along with a little creativity, singing and poetry. The Industry Partners Workshop was attended by 128 representatives from our partner organisations.
Presentations from the workshops are now available to participants via our intranet. The outcomes from the Workshops will be made available in a report entitled “Water Sensitive Ideas for Tonsley” which is due for release by April 2014.
CRC Participants don’t miss out in 2014 – book these dates in your calendar now!
- 2014 Industry Partners Workshop 2-3 April, 2014 in Sydney
- 2014 Researchers Workshop 11-12 June, 2014 in Brisbane
- 2014 Water Sensitive Cities Conference (combined Industry Partners and Researchers Workshops) 27-30 October, 2014 in Melbourne