Zero additional maintenance WSUD project success
A need to improve water retention and urban design of streets in the Manningham Council area in Melbourne has inspired an ongoing project known as the Zero Additional Maintenance Water Sensitive Urban Design (ZAM-WSUD) Solution.
The project is a collaboration between Manningham Council, Glen Eira City Council, Melbourne Water and the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities (CRCWSC), with additional support by Monash University researchers.
Manningham City Council urban planners wanted to develop a practical, easily implementable, relatively low cost WSUD solution that could be retrofitted into existing urban areas without placing additional ongoing cost pressures on maintenance teams.
Manningham Project Engineer Simon Brink said the project was a key part of the Manningham Draft Water Cycle Management Strategy.
Five sites were chosen for the installations and planning for the project started in February 2014 with planting and testing expected to occur from March to May 2015.
The project was linked to the Cities as Water Supply Catchments – Sustainable Technologies and Fit-for-purpose water production (Projects C1.1 and C1.3).
Dr Belinda Hatt led CRCWSC’s involvement in the project, supported by PhD candidate Veljko Prodanovic and Project C1.1 leader Professor Ana Deletic.
For more information on the project, view the presentation at